Dr. Shonta Smith is a highly sought after speaker and is a recognized expert in the education field. Although Dr. Smith has a number of focal points her seminars are customized to meet the needs of each organization. Dr. Smith's focus is culturally responsive teaching, management, data driven decision making and team building. Initial consultation is recommended in order to create the seminar that fits your schedule, budget and needs. Whether it's two hours, two days, are a full academic year, seminars are designed to enhance the overall growth and development of your organization.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Educators are experiencing a number of challenges as the dynamics of the educational system changes. To help facilitate professional and personal development executive coaches work with educators to fine tune specific goals for individual growth and improved performance. Executive coaches provide positive support, feedback and advice to educators to enhance their effectiveness in the teaching and learning process. As your executive coach Dr. Smith will give you the sustenance you need to develop your talents and accelerate your success. Make a difference this academic year and invest in yourself. Dr. Smith’s executive coaching offers an opportunity for you to explore your options, test out ideas, gain clarity, renew your passions, utilize your strengths and enhance your skills. The executive coaching program includes:
Goal setting (Establishing specific and measureable goals)
Leadership Development Questionnaire/Personality Assessments with personalized feedback
Personal Development Plan
Monday Morning Inspiration (weekly newsletter with productively tips)
Weekly email correspondence (3 times a week)
Coaching Conference Calls (one on one Coaching call Bi-weekly for 30 minutes)
Monthly Teleseminars/Webinars (1.0 hours each month of Professional Development)
Moderated Discussion Forum with Weekly Challenges
FEES: $750.00 Partial Academic Year (5 months @ $150.00 a month)
$1500.00 Full Academic Year (10 months @ $150.00 a month)

An educator’s growth and development is a key component of their students’ academic success. To enhance the teaching and learning process one must have the skill set and knowledge base to properly train and educate students. As Kedzior and Fifield state effective professional development is a prolonged facet of classroom instruction that is integrated, logical and on-going and incorporates experiences that are consistent with teachers’ goals; aligned with standards, assessments, other reform initiatives, and beset by the best research evidence. Dr. Smith customizes programs to equip and empower educators with the skills and competencies needed to excel in todays culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms.

Leadership development is a fundamental principle that determines the overall success of an organization. Each associate in the organization plays a vital role. The role the associate plays works to either move the organization towards accomplishments or it moves the organization in a downward spiral to self destruction. To benefit the organization it is imperative that the associate engage in practices that are in alignment with the organizations goals and objectives. Leadership development provides associates with the opportunity to understand their own strengths and utilize those strengths to make the organization achieve strategic results. Dr. Smith creates training programs that teach associates how to lead, be effective and efficient, and connect culturally responsive practices that are needed to excel in today’s challenging business environments.

Youth are experiencing a number of difficulties, which pose greater challenges as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Dr. Smith inspires, encourages, and motivates youth to be the best they can be. She teaches them the skills and knowledge they need to be productive citizens. Dr. Smith’s youth leadership development exercises are aligned with the following National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition standards:
Youth acquire the skills, behaviors, and attitudes that enable them to learn and grow in self-knowledge, social interaction, and physical and emotional health.
Youth understand the relationship between their individual strengths and desires and their future goals, and have the skills to act on that understanding.
Youth have the knowledge and skills needed to practice leadership and participate in community life.
Youth demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions for themselves.

Community engagement entails individuals and organizations working together in a collaborative spirit for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of the community. Using the mantra “One Team-One Goal-One Band-One Sound” Dr. Smith engages community members in problem-solving exercises to resolve issues. In cooperative teams, community members identify the relevant issues and make decisions about how to address those issues. A plan of action is created and fully implemented; thereby enhancing the lives of the community members.